Decrease Pain
Increase Mobility

Nicola Morgan is a McTimoney Chiropractor based in Charlbury, near Chipping Norton with 40 years experience. Nicola has helped hundreds of clients regain their mobility and become free of pain.

McTimoney Chiropractic is a gentle form of skeletal manipulation, most commonly used to treat symptoms of back, neck and joint pain as well as many other health problems. The adjustments are very specific and quick, so that there is generally very little pain from the treatment. Find out more about McTimoney Chiropractic here.


Gentle, effective and suitable for all from 6yrs of age

Pain Relief

Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, joint problems, migraines, sports injuries can all be helped with McTimoney Chiropractic treatment.


McTimoney Chiropractic care is the perfect choice if you are struggling with aches and pains during your pregnancy.


Nicola treats children over the age of 6yrs, for aches, pains and sporting injuries so they can get back to doing what they love.

About Nicola

Qualified and experienced McTimoney Chiropractor

Nicola Morgan DC, FMCA is based in Charlbury, Oxfordshire, near Chipping Norton, with 40 years experience as a Chiropractor. She was also a tutor for 10 years at The McTimoney Chiropractic College. Nicola has a special interest in treating pregnant and postnatal women to maintain their alignment during pregnancy and after the birth of their babies. Nicola’s experience ensures you are in a safe pair of hands.

Why Choose McTimoney Chiropractic?

Gentle in nature, McTimoney is suitable for all ages


What Clients Say

There was immediate relief of my back pain after the first session but in the days following the jaw treatment I felt the entire side of my head, neck and face gradually ‘unlock’. It was an amazing feeling after the long term discomfort.
Karen, age 61yrs
Regular chiropractic visits over many years means that I rarely have any problems now. I have known Nicola for over ten years now and I know I can trust her advice and I enjoy the treatments
David, age 70yrs
I had some back and shoulder pain for several months. I play a lot of sport, mainly netball and hockey and it was spoiling my game. Now I have a treatment about twice a year and don’t really have any problems anymore.
Rebecca, age 17yrs
Call Today

07968 381335

Kimber Cottage, Woodstock Road, Charlbury, Oxon, OX7 3ET

Appointments Available