
About Nicola

Committed to Chiropractic Excellence

I have been practising as a McTimoney Chiropractor for 35 years. I also taught chiropractic for 10 years at the McTimoney Chiropractic College and currently am a member of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association Executive Committee, attending meetings and helping to run conferences and training courses. In this way I hope to help promote and further the chiropractic profession.

 I have also organised the setting up of an alumni association for McTimoney Chiropractic graduates.

McTimoney chiropractors are statutorily regulated by Act of Parliament, the regulation body being the General Chiropractic Council and I have been registered with the GCC since 1999. I am also a member of the College of Chiropractors and I have a degree level education in Chiropractic. I also have mandatory insurance.

I also support the McTimoney Trust Bursary Awards Panel, making financial awards for academic prowess to current McTimoney Chiropractic College students.

As part of the legal requirements of registration with the GCC I take many training courses to keep up to date and fresh in my approach to my work, but I concentrate on chiropractic and the McTimoney approach.

I see all sorts of patients in my clinics including young children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Although my work is very important to me, I also have a family and garden that keep me busy! I am very keen on fitness – running, swimming and pilates being my main sports. This gives me a pragmatic approach to the problems my patients face when managing their pain and health problems. I like to think I have an understanding of the problems they face. Many of my patients have been seeing me for years and we have gone through quite a lot together.

If you are experiencing any discomfort and are thinking of seeing a chiropractor, please feel free to contact me for an informal chat if you would like any further information. I am always happy to help and advise and I consider it a privilege to help people reach their full potential.

Regarding The McTimoney Chiropractic College – the McTimoney training is devised to allow students to work alongside their training as there is a part-time BSc course as well as a full time course. There are 2 campuses in Abingdon and Manchester and training is the path to an exciting and rewarding career. The majority of students take up training after having some positive experience of treatment, either for themselves or a relative. Graduates are certain of employment and it is a flexible work life.

The College are open to talking to anyone interested in retraining so click on this link and look at the possibility of adjusting your life!


What Clients Say

I work as a builder and can’t afford to be having time off so chiropractic treatments save me time, money and pain! I admit I usually wait until the pain is quite bad, but then a treatment keeps me going for a few months again. I know I should go regularly, but some how dont get round to booking. I’m a real fan of McTimoney Chiropractic and can highly recommend Nicola.
Morris, age 63yrs
As a keen golfer and hardworking businessman I suffer from back pain as well as tension. Regular chiropractic visits over many years means that I rarely have any problems now. I have known Nicola for over ten years now and I know I can trust her advice and I enjoy the treatments
David, age 70yrs
Over the last five years I have had treatment from Nicola on occasion and it has kept me fit enough to keep up yoga and keep fit. My aches and pains stem from arthritis and can sap my energy and a trip to Nicola alleviates pain and restores my energy levels. She is patient and makes lots of suggestions to help me in everyday life too.
Ann, age 78yrs
Call Today

07968 381335

Kimber Cottage, Woodstock Road, Charlbury, Oxon OX7 3ET

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